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The Delaware Basin Playmaker Forum

The DPA of AAPG is proud to present The Delaware Basin Playmaker Forum, which will be held on February 22, 2017 at the Horseshoe Pavilion in Midland, Texas. The Delaware Basin Playmaker Forum is a follow up to the very successful Midland Basin Playmaker Forum held in 2015. The forum highlights presentations on the Delaware Basin portion of the Permian Basin. The Permian Basin is one of, if not the, hottest areas in the world. The Permian Basin has public companies scrambling to get bigger positions or just get a position, along with 80-90 Private Equity Companies acquiring acreage. This level of activity has acreage costs rising throughout the Permian Basin. If you look at the latest Baker Hughes Rig count, you see about a third of all rigs working in the world are in the United States. The Permian Basin accounts for over three quarters of all rigs working in the United States, and the Delaware Basin is a big part of that activity.

The Delaware Basin has heated up in the last year, and pricing above $20,000 per undeveloped acre is the norm not the exception. The DPA Delaware Playmaker Forum will highlight talks on the stratigraphy, depositional influences and geochemical aspects of the Delaware Basin as well as discussions on the reservoir properties of some of the zones that are highly lucrative. Several talks will highlight how companies achieved successes in the Delaware Basin.

The Luncheon Talk is:

Permian Basin Energy Capital of Innovation: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow!

Charles A. Sternbach, President, Star Creek Energy.

William DeMis, Senior Vice President - Chief Geologist, Goldman Sachs


For additional information, speaker updates and/or to register go to:

Earlier Event: February 11
CCGS Rio Granda Delta Field Trip
Later Event: February 23
ETGS Sequence Stratigraphy Class