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AJ Kumar
Digital Rock Characterization by CT Imaging:
A Powerful Tool for Rapid Quantification of Rock Properties

11:30 AM Wednesday, March 15, 2017
at the Cascades
4511 Briarwood Road
Tyler, TX 75709

Cost: $20


AJ Kumar is director of digital rock characterization group in the Petroleum Services division of Core Laboratories, and is based in Houston, TX. He completed his MS in Engineering with a thesis on diffusion dependency on permeability of CBM reservoirs. For last 6 years, he has been with Core Laboratories in lead technical roles and established state-of-the-art laboratories. His current role is to champion imaging based technologies catering to oil & gas industry across the globe.


Rapid, non-destructive screening using high-frequency imaging techniques now provides a viable solution for not only superior visualization but also detailed quantitative core assessment. These deliverables are available before the core is removed from the inner core barrel and other measurements are commenced. Further, X-ray scanning at two energy levels provides high resolution bulk density and photoelectric factor measurements. These data in conjunction with extensive laboratory-based mineralogy and density calibrations result in a solid interpretation of core mineralogy and therefore, a mineralogy log.  Such high definition X-ray data at 250 micrometer resolution also provide information complementary to borehole images which makes bedding interpretation advanced and accurate. A tertiary benefit of this technology is its use as an aid in sample selection decisions for geological, mechanical, and advanced rock testing, leading to a higher confidence in reservoir upscaling.

The latest Micro CT imaging methods are now also being used in the sample selection process for sophisticated, reservoir-condition flow studies. The high-resolution, three-dimensional imaging of core plug samples helps clients better understand how variations in the pore-system properties will impact both laboratory test results and reservoir performance.

 These new image acquisition and processing techniques not only provide tools to characterize reservoirs but also deliver rapid and accurate petrophysical measurements.

Earlier Event: March 13
OCGS One Day Short Course
Later Event: March 22
OCGS Technical Luncheon