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Gregory Wrightstone


Unusual and Unprecedented Warming?
What do Geologic and Human History Tell Us?

12:00 PM Wednesday, March 17, 2021
on Zoom

Cost: $10
Students: Free


The key pillar in the argument that man-made increases in greenhouse gases are causing harmful warming of the planet is the supposition that recent temperature increases are unusual and unprecedented over the scale of thousands of years. If that is the case, then it would provide strong support for human influences to be the primary driver of modern warming. On the other hand, if modern temperature changes are similar to previous cycles of warming and cooling, it would indicate that the more than 300-year general warming trend we are experiencing is a normal continuation of planetary and geologic cycles.

Geologic data confirm that the nine previous warming trends, dating back to the end of the last ice age are similar to the current warming period (CWP) and all had higher temperatures. Five of the nine also had higher rates of warming than the CWP. Additionally, vast numbers of historic records document that the Medieval, Roman and Minoan warm periods were warmer than we find in the 21st century.

The data support the contention that our current warming is neither unusual nor unprecedented and that the previous warming periods ushered in eras of great prosperity, bountiful harvests and the blossoming of great civilizations.


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Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, He is also the author of the bestselling book Inconvenient Facts – the science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. Greg’s expertise on climate change was recently confirmed by his acceptance as an “Expert Reviewer” for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR-6).

His philosophy concerning climate, CO2 and humanity can be summed up in one sentence: “We should use all of Earth’s resources for the betterment of mankind, and do it as good stewards.”