Blake Mock
Core Acquisition and New Technology
11:30 AM Wednesday, May 18, 2022
at Hollytree Country Club
6700 Hollytree Dr
Tyler, TX 75703
Cost: $25
The coring industry has seen a significant transition in the ability to core longer intervals in fewer runs. For instance, earlier in this century, a 90’ + run would have been considered an enormous success and would have taken much planning and careful execution to implement. Now, because of new innovative engineering designs for coring technologies that have come into play in the last couple of decades, single coring runs of over 300 feet have been successfully accomplished in multiple basins throughout North America.
In this session, we will discuss the technologies that have made coring more operationally efficient and cost-effective while making longer run lengths more feasible.
Blake Mock
Blake has a combined 16 years of operational and sales experience within the oil and gas industry. He attended Austin College in Sherman, TX, where he graduated with a Business Administration degree and was captain of the varsity football team. From there, he went straight into the field working for Multi Shot as an MWD hand and was then promoted to MWD Coordinator. Blake then began his journey in sales with NOV Coring and then moved on to Canamera Coring, where he is now the U.S. Sales Manager and has over 12 years of experience in coring.