SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024
The East Texas Geological Society will be hosting its twelfth annual Skeet Shoot on Saturday May 18, 2024 at Rose City Flying Clays off north Loop 323 in Tyler, Texas (see map below). This shoot is open to ETGS members, families and guests. The shoot will consist of 50 birds. We will have a catered barbeque lunch and we hope to give away six guns among our other door prizes. Come shoot, eat and win with your friends!!!
Your entry fee of $100 covers shooting fees, targets, shells and lunch. Yes, we will have shotgun shells provided! You will need to provide your own shotgun, ear protection and eye protection (sunglasses are fine). Those wishing to attend only the lunch may do so for $30 per person. Four squads of five will be shooting per hour. Registration will be on a first-come first-served basis, and registration will be capped at 120 shooters. Registration will close on Friday May 10, 2024. Late registration after May 10 will be on a space available only basis and fees will be $120 for shooting and lunch and $35 for lunch only.
Please fill out the attached entry form and return to Rich Adams as soon as possible. If you have a group you would like to shoot with, please send all registrations together to assure that they are grouped together for shooting. If you or your company would like to provide one of our sponsorships or make a donation toward or provide door prizes, please contact Rich Adams at 903-597-2336 or rich@carrresources.com.
This is planned as a fun, social event and there will be plenty of room to reduce the chance of sharing any germs with our friends! Come be safe and have fun!