The 68th Annual Convention
of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
and the Gulf Coast Section of the
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
September 30-October 2, 2018
Shreveport, LA
The Shreveport Geological Society is proud to host the 2018 Annual Meeting for the GCAGS-GCSSEPM. We look forward to continuing the long tradition of presenting the best of the geosciences from the Gulf Coast. Our theme, “Energy! Ready for the Next Round”, recognizes the fact that we have remained up-to-date in the most advanced techniques of exploration for oil and natural gas and questions of environmental policy in our industries. Our work is recorded for the worldwide geological community in our superior publication, The Transactions. We invite you to be a part of this process by submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation in Shreveport for the 2018 Convention of the GCAGS.
Current Evaluation of Haynesville Shale
Other Shale Plays
Deep Water Developments-Source to Sink-Gulf of Mexico
Visualization, Geochemistry, & Interpretation of Geologic Systems
Tight Gas Sand Development
Conventional Carbonates and Clastics
Water Resources
Ark-La-Tex Field Studies
Resource Business Models in the 21st Century
Geology and Education
Seismic Applications in the Upper Gulf Coast
Thinking Like an Explorationist
Where Is the Climate Going?
Dealing With Global Change
Horizontal Exploration Plays
Abstracts or summaries of your oral and poster presentations may be submitted to GCAGS Technical Program and Oral Session Chairman Zach McDonald at beginning December 15, 2017, but no later than February 15, 2018. First drafts of full papers from selected presenters that will be included in the 2018 Transactions must be submitted by April 2, 2018. Full information, instructions, size limitations, and helpful hints for abstracts, summaries, extended abstracts, and full papers will be posted online at
If you would like to publish in the GCAGS Journal (the Peer-Reviewed Journal of Gulf Coast Geoscience) please submit an extended abstract of at least 600 words, including 1-2 representative figures, to GCAGS Journal Editor, Bob Merrill, at by December 15, 2017. Once accepted for publication, a full manuscript should be submitted before April 2, 2018. Full instructions for manuscript submissions will be posted online at Convention presentations of Journal submissions are encouraged but not required.
The 2018 GCAGS-GCSSEPM Convention Logo's background image
is used with permission of the Shreveport Geological Society.