Name: Power Plays: Drilling into Geothermal Energy Applications
Date: January 10-11, 2018
Location: SMU Campus, Dallas, Texas
Social Media: Twitter | Facebook | #SMUPowerPlays
Contact: Maria Richards,, 214-768-1975
Please share this information with others you know who may be interested. We look forward to learning about your research, demonstration project, or innovative idea!
The SMU Geothermal Lab invites you to submit an abstract for our upcoming conference, Power Plays: Drilling into Geothermal Energy Applications, January 10-11, 2018 on the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas, Texas. Power Plays will advance the understanding of geothermal resources, providing you with insights into developing this clean energy reserve.
Topics include:
- Reservoirs: exploration, enhancement and productivity
- Drilling and Downhole Advancements: oil & gas laterals, geothermal hydroshearing
- Engineering Techniques: heat extraction, technology
- Novel Applications: deep direct use for utilities or buildings, micro to macro generation
- Case Studies and Planned Project Discussions: approaches, challenges, solutions
Submit your abstract to by Friday October 13, 2017 and include:
- Author name(s)
- Organization name(s)
- Presentation title
- Abstract, 1-2 pages
- Prefer oral presentation, poster session or panel discussion?
- Bio of presenter
- Photo of presenter