a discussion with
Dr. Scott Tinker
moderated by
Ernie LaFlure
about the new film
“Switch On”
12:00 PM Wednesday, September 23, 2020
on Zoom
Cost: $10
In place of a normal meeting in September, we will be hosting a virtual “Zoom” meeting with Dr. Scott Tinker at 12 noon September 23rd. Scott will be available to try and answer all your questions regarding the new film “Switch On”. He also may share new material that he is preparing for the forthcoming AAPG ACE 2020 convention on September 29-October 1.
Zoom connection instructions will be emailed to the address you provide with your reservation above.
Please submit your questions for Dr. Tinker to ETGS President Ernie LaFlure (who will be moderating the discussion) by using the form below by September 21.