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GeoGulf 2020 (GCAGS) Convention

GeoGulf 2020

Lafayette, Louisiana
September 30 – October 2, 2020

ETGS members, there are new virtual options for GeoGulf 2020! 

REGISTER NOW FOR PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL GEOGULF 2020! Reminder that GeoGulf 2020 in-person attendees ($250 early bird) receive complimentary AAPG ACE 2020 registration. Due to popular demand, GCAGS is now offering a reduced-fee ($100 early bird) Virtual GeoGulf 2020 registration so those unable to physically attend can watch our live sessions during the convention and recordings on-demand through Dec. 31, 2020. (Physical attendees do receive the Virtual benefits too.) GeoGulf is expanding our technical program beyond solely live presentations to now include pre-recorded presentations (20-60 min) for on-demand access on our website. Virtual GeoGulf 2020 registration does NOT include the AAPG match, but those registering for AAPG do receive a one half-day live session feed from us with remaining program content in on-demand format post-convention through AAPGs portal.

We are still seeking exhibitors and sponsors, with both including complimentary matches for AAPG ACE 2020.

Please visit for more information.

One of the first Geological Meetings that will be occurring live, since the pandemic started, will be the GeoGulf 2020 (GCAGS) Convention.  The event is October in Lafayette, Louisiana, Sept. 30–Oct. 2, 2020.   GCAGS has reached an agreement with AAPG to collaborate in the scheduling, programming and promotion of AAPG’s ACE 2020 Online and GeoGulf 2020 in Lafayette, live and in person! The conventions will be almost simultaneous: ACE 2020 Online from September 29th to October 1st, 2020, and GeoGulf 2020 from September 30th to October 2nd in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In short, this is basically a 2 for 1 deal that is incredibly hard to beat:

  • Sponsor GeoGulf 2020 and receive complimentary equivalent cash value sponsorship of AAPG ACE 2020 Online.

  • Exhibit at GeoGulf 2020 and receive a complimentary AAPG ACE exhibitor online slot.

  • Attend GeoGulf 2020 and receive complimentary AAPG ACE 2020 Online registration!

  • Free ACE 2020 Online platform pages/exhibit stands for GCAGS and GCAGS member societies at no added cost

This offers a good value for sponsors in these difficult times and offers members the opportunity for both a virtual and live event at one cost.  Follow these links for sponsorship info and the sponsorship form.

Regarding ETGS plans for the fall, we currently do not plan on lunch meetings at the Cascades until the pandemic results are much improved.  Given the close quarters at the Cascades, the ETGS BOD believes this is the prudent course for the foreseeable future.  We do, however, plan to have our Golf Tournament in the Fall, since it will be an outdoor event.  ETGS is also working on special "at cost" pricing to keep the cost as low as possible in these tough times for our industry. More detailed information on the Tournaments will be coming out later in the summer.  

Please stay safe!

Ernie LaFlure
ETGS President

Earlier Event: September 23