Ahh - finally some cool fall mornings. Even though it was still steamy in Corpus Christi last month, GCAGS put on a great convention. There were a lot of interesting talks and posters. It was also good to hear what the other gulf coast societies are doing. I was proud to report all the activities and service projects our East Texas Society provides. One note for students is that the GCAGS Journal is a good place to get your Master’s thesis published in a reasonable amount of time. As a member of ETGS you are automatically a member of GCAGS; check out the website at GCAGS.org.
Last month we had about 64 people attend our luncheon. It was a pleasure to see a strong showing of students from SFA and UT Tyler. Our speaker, Blaine Hall, kicked off the TJC Public Science Lecture Series the evening of our luncheon at the TJC planetarium. This event was also well attended, and TJC appreciated our society funding Blaine’s trip to Tyler. Thanks to Nathan Spencer for putting together a survey on continuing education courses we could offer. There was a lot of interest and we will be getting back to you with the details.
Thanks also to Jared Morris for organizing a successful social gathering at Gusano’s restaurant in conjunction with SPE. It was well attended and a lot of fun. A special thanks to Mark Land with LATX operations and Trey Hughey with Tucker Energy Services for sponsoring pizza and drinks.
The golf tournament is around the corner on October 10th at the Cascades Country Club. Deadline to register is October 6th. Don’t miss it!
Our speaker this month will be Julie Garvin, President of Roxanna Oil Company. Her talk “The Search for New Exploration Plays: When Only the Best Will Do” will examine her company’s criteria and analytical approaches for exploring for new plays, with examples from New Albany and Woodford shale plays, Paradox Basin and Las Animas Arch tight carbonate play, and horizontal development of a conventional carbonate oil field. It will be October 19th at the Cascades Country Club, 11:30. Don’t forget to RSVP on our website. Also stay up to date on our ETGS Facebook page.
All the best,
Anita Paulssen
President, East Texas Geological Society