This will be my final President’s letter to the Society. I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to write about this month, so I reviewed all the letters I wrote to the Society for the last two years. I guess I have kind of used this “Bully Pulpit” as an opinion page to address some of the philosophical ideas I hold, and I’ve had a ball doing that. Most of the points I feel strongly about have already been covered, so no more philosophizing.
Being President of the East Texas Geological Society has been an honor. As most of you know, I’m a little rough around the edges and don’t mind poking a little fun at myself (or others for that matter), but I am passionate about our science and our Society and will continue to serve both to the best of my ability. I encourage each of you to do the same, especially the YPs out there. (By YPs, I don’t mean Yuppie Puppies [the offspring of Young Upwardly-mobile Professionals – a term from the 1980’s], but the Young Professionals in our Society.) There are plenty of places and ways to serve, and if you need direction, let me know and I’ll help you.
Our luncheon speaker for May will be Patricia Santogrossi and she will be speaking about “Sub-Seismic Resolution in the Eagle Ford Enabled by Multi-attribute Analysis in Paradise Software: Instantaneous, Geometric, and Spectral Decomposition Self Organizing Maps”. I have been introduced to this geophysical software and was truly impressed by what can be realized geologically from the seismic data by its use.
As usual, our luncheon will be at The Cascades Country Club at 11:30 on Wednesday, May 18th. We have had great attendance at the luncheons, and I truly appreciate everyone’s interest and time. Please don’t forget to make your reservations, and I’ll see you at the luncheon!
Best Regards,
Dale Short
President, East Texas Geological Society