I hope this finds you enjoying the cool fall air. I plan to enjoy it on the San Antonio Riverwalk this week and learn a lot at the GCAGS convention.
We had another successful ETGS Golf Tournament thanks to Nick Pollard. There were 106 golfers and Stephen F Austin students raised money for their AAPG student chapter on one of the holes. Check out our website to see the winners.
We had a record attendance for our luncheon last month: 80. This month should be just as good. We will have a seminar and luncheon on the same day. You can choose just the luncheon or both, Wednesday, November 15th, at the Cascades Country Club. Dr. Jeff Dravis will present both the seminar and luncheon. Most of you are familiar with Dr. Dravis and his carbonate geology work. The seminar will be "Overview of the Austin Chalk in South Texas and Louisiana”. There is new Austin Chalk horizontal activity in Karnes County and huge new wells (in an old play) are being made. The leasing and activity that has ensued runs from South Texas into South Louisiana. Come hear how this play can be made in East Texas! The seminar will run from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., break for the luncheon meeting, then continuing the Austin Chalk seminar from 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. Cost for the seminar and luncheon meeting will be $80.00. The luncheon meeting topic will be "Influence of Strong Easterly Trade Winds on Carbonate Plays". We need your RSVPs as soon as possible for the seminar, as manuals have to be printed. As always, we need your luncheon RSVPS by the Thursday before the luncheon. See Dr. Dravis’s abstract and bio on our website.
During this Thanksgiving season, I am so grateful for the friendships I have made with ETGS. This is an amazing group people; they give so generously of their time and money to support their fellow geologists in this turbulent industry.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Best regards,
Anita Paulssen
President, East Texas Geological Society