I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Your ETGS board of directors is preparing for another informative, educational and fun year of events.
The first thing on the agenda is a Social at the Rose City Draft House, August 24th 5-7 pm, ETGS will provide the food, and drinks will be discounted. We copied the Dallas Geological Society in having an end of summer social to reconnect, check your membership status, and have a good time. Please thank Hunter Carr when you see him for doing a great job organizing our socials.
Many of you attended the Basic Log Interpretation class in July taught by Paul Hene. The popularity of it took us by surprise. There was so much interest that Paul had to divide the class into two days. We were fortunate to be able to offer it for free, including lunch and breakfast, thanks to the generosity of so many people: First and foremost Paul for donating all his time and considerable talent to teach and organize the class, John Jacobi of Covey Park Energy for sponsoring lunch, XTO for donating the conference room, and Schlumberger for donating the manuals and coffee. Many of you have inquired about continuing education credits for the course. It qualifies for 6 hours of CE credits through The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists. If you would like a certificate, Paul will have them at the September luncheon, or you can email him to make arrangements.
Our luncheons will resume in September. Mark your calendar for 3rd Wednesday of the month September through May, but check our website: due to holidays or conventions occasionally we need to move the date.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing tales of summer adventures. Here’s to hoping oil goes above $50/BBL and stays there.
Best regards,
Anita Paulssen
President, East Texas Geological Society