February 2018 - Anita Paulssen

With WTI in the mid $60s and Brent reaching $70 a barrel, things are getting exciting again in the oil field.  Your East Texas Geological Society also has some exciting events you won’t want to miss.

First up is a timely half day seminar by Dr. Stephen Sonnenberg titled “Reservoir Characteristics for Mudrock Reservoirs”.  This is course is designed for geologists, geophysicists and engineers who are interested in exploring and developing mudrock formations.  The course will be an overview of various successful and unsuccessful mudrock systems.  Dr. Sonnenberg is a professor of geology and geological engineering at Colorado School of Mines and the Charles Boettcher distinguished chair in petroleum geology.  He brings a wealth of experience in industry, teaching and research.  Among his many leadership roles, he was President of AAPG 2003-2004.  Dr. Sonnenberg will also be our luncheon speaker on the same subject on FRIDAY, February 16th.  The seminar will start at 9am and the luncheon at 11:30am.  Cost of the seminar includes lunch for $60, or just lunch for the normal $20.  Same location, at the Cascades Country Club.  Check our website for more details and registration.
Be sure your calendar is marked for our annual Tech and Prospect Expo, March 27th with our icebreaker on the 26th.  We have two great speakers again this year. In the morning Dr. Thomas Ewing of the BEG will speak on the greater Gulf of Mexico, the history of extension and petroleum systems, with emphasis on the basins and aches provinces.  In the afternoon we will hear from our US House Representative, Congressman Louis Gohmert.  Contact Matthew Bailey, matt@bhlboresight.com, or Barbara Cade, bacade@suddenlinkmail.com, if you are interested in a booth or have any questions. You can also register on our website.

Rich Adams is working on our next Skeet Shoot on May 5th. If you or your company would like to provide one of the sponsorships or make a donation toward or provide door prizes, please contact Rich at rich@carresources.com or 903-597-2336. Registration is available on our website for shooters and sponsors.

I must confess, a couple of times, I forget to RSVP for the luncheon until the week of the luncheon.  This is very hard on the Cascades staff trying to provide enough food and tables.  If you are planning to attend the Mudrock course, we definitely need you to register NOW so we know how many manuals to make.  SO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF with me and RSVP to the luncheon and the course RIGHT NOW.  Hope to see you Friday, February 16th. 


Best regards,

Anita Paulssen

President, East Texas Geological Society