ETGS Member,
ETGS Live is back! Please join us on Tuesday October 12 at Hollytree Country Club (see website for details) for our October meeting. In addition to our normal talk, Rich Adams, our AAPG delegate will provide some insight and info on the merger discussions with SEG.
Calling all Golfers! Nick Pollard will once again be leading the ETGS Golf Tournament on October 11th @ 1:00 pm at the Cascades Country Club. I hope that you have signed up, but if not check out our website.
Bo Henk will discuss recent and ongoing Woodbine outcrop studies at our October 12 meeting. The talk is “Tidal and Shallow Marine Influence on Deposition of the Woodbine Formation in North Central Texas as Evidenced by Sedimentary and Biogenic Structures”.
Bo is leading a ETGS field trip to Lake Grapevine for Saturday the 23rd to look at Woodbine outcrops. We will meet at the Bass Pro parking lot (most SE edge of lot) in Grapevine between 8:30-8:45 am and will leave promptly at 9 am to examine outcrops along the Lake edge (there will not be road cuts) until 3 pm when we will adjourn from the same Bass Pro parking lot. Lunch will be provided at a picnic area with sandwich fixings, salad, fruit and drinks. If you have special dietary requirements, please bring individually. In addition, Bo will provide a flash drive with a guidebook and the posters shown to each of the participants. Similar field trips he has lead to these locations for GSA and AAPG groups is usually $75/ participant, but we will be charging participants at cost of only $20 per participant. Please bring $20 cash to give Bo directly when we meet up in Grapevine. We will be trying to car pool from Bass Pro, so drive your SUV, where you can take some passengers or car pool from Tyler with friends.
We have learned that our scheduled November speaker needs to reschedule to the Spring so we are seeking a new speaker for November. If you have a specific speaker suggestion, please email the Society.
ETGS has had to make commitments to Hollytree for numbers of participants, so please support your Society and RSVP.
Hope to see you Tuesday, October 12!
Ernie LaFlure
October 5, 2021