March 2021 - Ernie LaFlure

ETGS Membership,

I trust all of you are back to “pandemic normal” after the great freeze.  We will make up our delayed February talk tomorrow (3/3/2021) when  Robert Loucks and Chris Zahm will speak on “Geologic overview and characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk Trend, onshore Gulf of Mexico”.  Another great presentation at GeoGulf 2019 was the excellent “Keynote Presentation” by Gregory Wrightstone with his talk “Unusual and Unprecedented Warming? What do Geologic and Human History Tell Us?”.  Whatever your position is on climate change issues, this talk presents a great deal of important data, much of it new, that earth scientists need to be aware of as go forward policies are debated.  I am pleased to say that Gregory Wrightstone will be our March 17 speaker and he will present an expanded version of his GeoGulf presentation.  We have just received his abstract and we are posting it on our website.   Please sign up timely so we can prepare for what should be a great event.

With energy related issues so in the news, you may wish to check out a great source of unbiased factual information from our state geologist, Scott Tinker.  His “Switch Energy Alliance” has a wealth of information at:  Check it out!

In light of our canceled Prospect and Tech Expo, we will be having a regular “virtual” April meeting on Wednesday April 21. We will have a presentation from Hannah Chambers,  a SFA geology graduate student, more details on her presentation to come.  Please remember that we are planning a great outdoor networking event with our “NINTH (NO LONGER) ANNUAL SKEET SHOOT OR:  THE LET’S KILL COVID SHOOT”.  The event will be Saturday, May 1, 2021 at Rose City Flying Clays and all the registration details and costs are available on our website.

Get your vaccine and stay safe!

Ernie LaFlure

March 2, 2021