ETGS Membership,
The “NINTH (NO LONGER) ANNUAL SKEET SHOOT OR: THE LET’S KILL COVID SHOOT” was a great success! Thanks for everyone turning out for the event and we managed to dodge the rain again this year! A big thanks and kudos to Rich Adams and Dale Short for once again organizing this great event.
We have a great talk lined up for our May meeting, which will still be virtual. Distinguished AAPG lecturer William Esch with Exxon-Mobil will present “Reservoir Quality analysis and prediction in diagenetically complex reservoirs: a challenging new frontier” at 12:00 PM Wednesday, May 19, 2021 via Zoom. Please visit our website and register. Thanks to the AAPG Foundation for supporting the AAPG DL Program.
We plan to begin in person meetings again in the fall, if there are no great pandemic setbacks. We are also looking to arrange more social events prior to our fall session.
Hope to see you May 19!
Ernie LaFlure
May 7, 2021