ETGS Membership,
Last night as our President gave the State of the Union address, I could not help but feel some pride for the contributions of our industry. The President highlighted how the United States is now the World’s leading Energy producer and we have become a net energy exporter! We are so familiar in our industry with the incredible changes that have occurred; we often take it for granted that others realize this. For perspective, I did a little looking back on how dramatic this change has been. In seven years from 2011 to 2018 we erased 25 years of production declines in the U.S. to reach the peak production in our nation’s history. WOW!! It was just 10 years ago that the hottest industry discussion was the Simmons study on peak oil and the accompanying book “Twilight in the Desert”. What an incredible decade of innovation and accomplishment it has been! I can’t wait to see what the next decade has in store for our great industry.
We have a informative and entertaining talk for this month’s luncheon. Our meeting will be on Wednesday February 20th, at 11:30 AM at the Cascades Golf and Country Club. Our talk is “A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT“ the author is Chris Reed, his bio is available on our website.
It is not too long until our Prospect Expo on March 26. We have a great lineup of speakers with Blaine Stribling (Vice Pres of Business Dev.) and Dave Thetford (Geoscience Manager) with Comstock Resources talking about “Make Haynesville Great Again” in the morning session. In the afternoon Dr. Richard Denne- Director of the TCU Energy Institute and Hunter Enis Chair in Petroleum Geology at TCU discuss “Relationship between East Texas deltas and Eagle Ford production near the San Marcos Arch”. Special thanks goes to our member Matt Bailey for all his efforts to make our Expo a great event again this year. The new flyer to this event is posted on our website.
Please remind your companies and business associates about sponsoring ETGS as a corporate friend of the Society or to become a sponsor to our Prospect Expo. Recognition will appear on our website as well as on small table signs at our meetings. Corporate gifts greater than $100 are recognized. A convenient donation link is available on our website.
Ernie LaFlure
February 6, 2019