ETGS Membership,
It is time for the 20TH ANNUAL, 2019 ETGS PROSPECT & TECH EXPO!
Remember to attend the EXPO on March 26, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Harvey Hall Convention Center. We can use everyone’s help buying or promoting booths. Booths are very reasonable at $350.00 for Vendors and $250.00 for Prospects. Individual attendee passes are $40 pre-registered by March 12 or $50 each at the door. Passes include a great 3 meat bbq lunch from Spring Creek with all the sides and fixins. This is the best networking opportunity for the day! You can download a flyer or get more info on our website, Additional questions about registration or other info can be referred to Barbara Cade at 903-593-3071 or
We have a great lineup of speakers this year with Blaine Stribling (Vice Pres of Business Dev.) and Dave Thetford (Geoscience Manager) with Comstock Resources talking about “Make Haynesville Great Again” in the morning session. In the afternoon Dr. Richard Denne- Director of the TCU Energy Institute and Hunter Enis Chair in Petroleum Geology at TCU discuss “Relationship between East Texas deltas and Eagle Ford production near the San Marcos Arch”. Detailed bios about our speakers is included on the flyer to this event posted on our website.
Proceeds from the Expo will be used to fund the ETGS Scholarship Fund for Geology majors in Texas.
I look forward to seeing everyone at a great day at the EXPO!
Ernie LaFlure
March 5, 2019