ETGS Membership,
It was great seeing many of you at our 2019 ETGS Prospect & Tech Expo! We had a strong turn out and combined with our generous sponsors, it is looking like we covered expenses. Our two presentations were excellent and had some great in depth technical discussions for those interested in the Haynesville and Eagle Ford plays. Events like this take a good deal of effort to put on and we want to thank all our volunteers and sponsors for their efforts to make this event successful. We especially want to thank the extra effort of Matt Bailey, Barbara Cade, Robert Reese and Rusty Jackson. This is Matt’s ninth year organizing the event! We also had a very good icebreaker turn out the evening before. Thanks goes to Carl Gray in organizing the event and sponsors.
We have a very interesting speaker lined up for our April 17 lunch meeting at 11:30 am at the Cascades. We occasionally sponsor talks of broader interest to the geologic community and this month’s speaker is a good example. Dr. Ken Wolgemuth will be joining us from Tulsa, Oklahoma to discuss "How we Know the Age of the Earth". Dr. Ken Wolgemuth is a geochemist with a distinguished career of some 47 years of experience in our industry and academia. In addition to his geochemistry work, he is devout Christian and he believes that there does not need to be a conflict between our scientific knowledge and Christian faith. He is the author of numerous papers and books on these topics. We will be placing more information on Ken’s background and his paper’s abstract on our website. Due to the potentially broader interest in this topic, members are welcome to invite a small number of friends or family to this event. Please register soon with the number of people attending with you so we will have sufficient seats and food! He will also be giving a lecture tailored to lay people the evening before at 7 pm at Whitehouse United Methodist Church. This could be a good option for non-geologist friends and family.
Please remember that GCAGS is actively seeking talks for the Oct 24-25, 2019 Convention in Houston. It is also only a month away until our great ETGS Skeet Shoot event! This is always a fun event; see our website for more information and to register.
Ernie LaFlure
April 1, 2019