ETGS Members,
Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is staying safe in these difficult times. With the advent of "Zoom" meetings, we are offering a great new option for viewing the presentations if you have a scheduling conflict or wish to study the material at a later date. From our website, you can purchase at a very modest cost, Zoom meeting videos for $10 for 30 days after the initial meeting and for $5 thereafter. The link provided allows download of the video to your PC, so you can watch it as often as you wish. Providing this service requires fees to Zoom, so a modest fee is needed by your Society to provide this service to our members. Simply go to on our website.
Next month we will have our "Zoom" Society meeting on January 20 at 12 pm. John Snedden from UT Austin (John leads the Gulf Basin Depositional Synthesis Project (GBDS)) will discuss parts of the Austin Group from the new book he and Bill Galloway just published on the Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin: "Depositional Evolution and Petroleum Applications". Included will be discussion about the Blossom Sands in E. Texas. More details will follow regarding the details of the presentation.
Merry Christmas!
Ernie LaFlure
December 17, 2020