ETGS Membership,
Happy New Year! I hope all had a safe and joyous Holiday Season in spite of the pandemic. Unfortunately, the COVID 19 pandemic is still with us and continues to affect our activities. Fortunately, the vaccines are starting to roll out beyond health care workers and include those in the 1b category, which includes those over 65 or with pre-existing conditions. The good news is some members have already received their vaccination and more are signing up daily.
In the meantime, we have great virtual meetings planned for January and February and you should have received an email invitation for January. Please plan to attend a zoom meeting at 12:00 PM Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at a cost of $10. We will have a presentation by John W. Snedden, a senior research scientist at the Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin. He is director of the Gulf of Mexico Basin Depositional Synthesis project, a consortium dedicated to research on the depositional history of the Gulf of Mexico. John will present and discuss “The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes”. Follow the link for John’s bio, abstract and how you can sign up. Your support is appreciated!
Your ETGS Board is looking closely at the viability of holding our annual Prospect and Tech Expo this spring. We are unsure of the state of the pandemic for a late March Expo date and we are investigating with the Harvey Convention Center if there are other possible options. We will send out a notice as soon as a game plan is settled.
We wish everyone in the Society our very best as we all deal with these unprecedented times. Stay safe!
Ernie LaFlure
January 5, 2021