ETGS Membership,
Thanks to everyone that participated in our January meeting and talk! ETGS has another great talk lined up for February 17 at 12 pm via “Zoom”. Robert Loucks and Chris Zahm will speak on “Geologic overview and characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk Trend, onshore Gulf of Mexico”. I saw a version of this at GeoGulf 2019 and it was excellent. I know we have done a number of Austin Chalk talks, but there is a great deal of research progressing on this play and there is considerable industry interest, so one more and we will then take a break from that topic. Please sign up in a timely manner so we can prepare for the event.
Your ETGS Board has looked closely at the viability of holding our annual Prospect and Tech Expo this spring. We concluded the state of the pandemic for a late March Expo date was still too uncertain, so I am sad to announce that we have canceled the event for 2021. The Harvey Convention Center has been accommodating and is allowing ETGS to defer our reservation at no additional cost until next year.
We are planning a great outdoor networking event with our “NINTH (NO LONGER) ANNUAL SKEET SHOOT OR: THE LET’S KILL COVID SHOOT”. The event will be Saturday, May 1, 2021 at Rose City Flying Clays and all the registration details and costs are available on our website. I am sure everyone will be ready for a good time with friends and colleagues! Please pass on your thanks to Rich Adams for organizing the event again this year.
We wish everyone in the Society our very best as we all deal with these unprecedented times.
Get your vaccine and stay safe!
Ernie LaFlure
February 3, 2021