February 2020 - Ernie LaFlure

ETGS Membership,

Just when we think oil and gas prices can’t be more challenged, we get the Corona virus in China impacting demand.  I will say no more! 

We have a great Society meeting planned for Wednesday, February 19 at the Cascades at 11:30 am.  David A. Ferrill, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, will be speaking on “Mechanical stratigraphic and tectonic controls on faulting and fracturing in the Eagle Ford Formation and Austin Chalk”. As always, please RSVP so we can plan appropriately.

Just a reminder that ETGS will again recognize our individual and corporate friends of the Society for 2020 on small table signs at our meetings.  Recognition will appear on our website as well.  Annual individual gifts of greater than $25 and corporate gifts greater than $100 are recognized.  These annual tax-deductible gifts allow the Society to provide short courses at reasonable costs to our members and College scholarships to promising geology and geophysics students.   A convenient donation link is available on our website.

Be sure to save the date for our annual ETGS Prospect & Tech Expo on March 31 at the Harvey Convention Center.  We have two great speakers for this always-popular networking event.  Kenneth S. Waits, CEO Mewbourne Oil Company, will speak on “A Journey Through Risk Country” and John Howie, SVP Upstream Tellurian, will speak on “Growing Global Demand for LNG”.  Reserve your booth or tickets at our website.

Another memorable event will be our East Texas Oil field Core exhibit project will be from April 25 to June 6. There will also be introductory lectures at the Kilgore Oil Museum on the evening of May 4th at 7 pm from Bill Ambrose with the BEG and Julie Bloxson with SFA.  

Ernie LaFlure

February 4, 2020