ETGS Membership,
To help us understand the roller coaster of issues impacting the oil & gas prices facing our industry, we have two great talks coming to our annual ETGS Prospect & Tech Expo on March 31 at the Harvey Convention Center. Kenneth S. Waits, CEO Mewbourne Oil Company, will speak on “A Journey Through Risk Country” and John Howie, SVP Upstream Tellurian, will speak on “Growing Global Demand for LNG”. This month is all about the Expo and please show your support by attending this always-popular networking event. Get more information and reserve your booth or individual tickets at our website.
As you know, our Society is a great supporter of the Petroleum Geology program at Stephen F. Austin State University. At next month’s meeting on Wednesday, April 15 at the Cascades, we have an opportunity to see an interesting study from this program. Alex P. Blizzard, under the direction of Dr. Julie M. Bloxson will present “Chemostratigraphy of Carbonate Gravity Flows of the Wolfcamp Formation in Crockett County, Midland Basin, Texas”. The abstract of this enlightening paper is available on our website.
The Society will be finishing the spring with several great events prior to our summer recess. So mark your calendar for these events! The East Texas Geological Society will be hosting its ninth annual Skeet Shoot on Saturday May 2, 2020 at Rose City Flying Clays off north Loop 323 in Tyler, Texas (see map). This shoot is open to ETGS members, families and guests.
Another memorable event will be our East Texas Oil field Core exhibit project from April 25 to June 6. There will also be introductory lectures at the Kilgore Oil Museum on the evening of May 4th at 7 pm from Bill Ambrose with the BEG and Julie Bloxson with SFA. Toward the end of this exhibit on the evening of May 21, we are planning a social and educational event at the Museum for members, family and friends. Thomas Ewing will be the guest lecturer and will have a book signing for his wonderful book “Texas Through Time”.
A friendly reminder that ETGS is seeking individual and corporate “Friends of the Society for 2020”. A convenient donation link is available on our website.
Ernie LaFlure
March 4, 2020